Thursday, June 21, 2007

AARP Members Rally For Lower Drug Prices

This falls under one of the reasons people on a budget are noncompliant with their medication. There is only so much people can pay for their prescriptions when they are on a fixed income or have low income. On Long Island, the elderly are doing something about it. Over 100 AARP members rallied NY state lawmakers to pass a bill to make prescription drugs more affordable. The members had a whistle stop tour of 15 district offices of state sentators and assembly members is Suffolk and Nassau Counties.

They are supporting a bill that passed last year in the Assembly requiring drug companies to report all gifts to doctors over $75 BUT, due to big pharma pressure, the Senate failed to act on the bill.
"We want to be sure that the drugs that end up in our medicine cabinets are there for the right reason -- because they are best drug for the best price, not because of a slick sales pitch and a nice meal," said Adele Klenk, Volunteer Regional Coordinator for AARP on Long Island.

I think it is grand that the AARP members get out there and let their voice be heard to their representatives. If they cannot afford to continue with the newest medications there are prescribed, then they obviously will not get better and possibly die. This is no good to anyone - doctor loses patient, pharma loses customer. Family loses loved one. Keep those prices affordable and keep compliant!

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