Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sales Reps Wasting Time Communicating - FYI

I found this on PharmaExec and thought is was pretty neat. To summarize O. Schwindt, a lot of time is wasted due to interoffice communiques resulting in millions of lost revenue for pharma.
Here are the Stats:
Due to accidental use of Reply to all, mislabeled & long voice mails, and repetitive emails, a pharma rep wastes an average of 4.4 hours - 1/3 of the total time spent on internal communication.
Based on $3.5M for average sales per 1000 sales reps - it's $309M per company.
To cut down, one recommends labeling emails FYA or FYI, limiting the time on voice mailbox. One company removed the Reply All button from their email service.
Don't waste too much time reading this.

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